With the help of ChatGPT, it’s much easier to develop web pages. Here I’ll show the flow to build a web page to encrypt and decrypt text under the assistant of ChatGPT [github link]]. And this is the ChatGPT shared link of this conversation.

Implement functions

Me: Create a HTML page to encrpt text provided by the user.

ChatGPT: Creating a fully secure encryption system in a client-side HTML page isn't recommended, as it's generally not secure to handle encryption solely on the client side. Encryption and security are complex topics that often require server-side processing. However, I can provide you with a basic example of how you can use a simple JavaScript library to perform encryption on the client side. Please be aware that this is just a demonstration and should not be used for sensitive information in a real-world scenario.

Show results:

Me: Thanks for your suggestion about safety. This page is just to help user encrypt and decrypt text. Nothing will be saved. Could you add the function to decrpt text provided by the user?

ChatGPT: Certainly! Below is an updated version of the HTML page that includes both encryption and decryption functions:



Me: Good job. Could you let user to provide the secret key?

Certainly! We can modify the code to allow the user to input the secret key. Here's an updated version of the HTML page:

Show results:

Adjust layouts

Me: Good job. I'd like to change the layout of this page. Could you move secrte key input box below text input box?

ChatGPT didn’t do it correctly in the first time. But it corrected after one more promotion.

With more coversations about the layout and buttons, we get the results:

Make the page visually more applealing

Me: Could you make the page more pretty?

ChatGPT: Certainly! Below is an updated version of the HTML page with some additional styling to make it more visually appealing. Feel free to further customize the styles according to your preferences.

Show results of improved styling which is also the final version:


I enjoyed this coding experience. ChatGPT is a powerful tool. Person can make their application much easier as they can focus more on ideas and less on coding part.

For layout adjustments, sometimes human can be more efficient. Be flexible. Knowing about the coding languages is rather helpful for developers to work with ChatGPT. You can understand, verify the code and participte in the coding process when needed.