A summary of useful and high-quality tech tools, websites and books in tech field. It’s according to my experience and is under continuous update.


  • colab: Colab is a hosted Jupyter Notebook service that requires no setup to use and provides free access to computing resources, including GPUs and TPUs.
  • gradio: a fast way to demo with a friendly web interface so that anyone can use it anywhere. Gradio can be embedded in Python notebooks or presented as a webpage.
  • CodePen: build and test frontend code.
  • jsfiddle: code playground where you can test your JavaScript, CSS, HTML or CoffeeScript code online.
  • Whimsical: hub for visual collaboration, where combine diagramming and whiteboarding.
  • Excalidraw: a virtual collaboration whiteboard tool that lets you easily sketch diagrams.



Software/System Design

Tech blogs